By Nathan Lockley 25/5/21
The whole UFO community is currently waiting with bated breath, aniticpating the pentagon report on UAPs expected to be released to congress on 1st June 2021. There are some amongst us who are overjoyed, happy to finally have the full disclosure we have all been waiting decades for. There are others who are still sceptical and assume congress will just re-classify everything and we still be none the wiser as to what information they have or say there’s no evidence at all. And then there are those even more sceptical, who think that this whole thing is a ploy, to use the UFO idea to get more defence money. Especially for the newly formed space force. Any of these outcomes, and probably quite a few more, are possible. We won’t ever all agree. There is also a very good chance that even once/if the information is revealed we still won’t agree about what it means for us all.
But there is one thing we can all agree on. Something we have all been ridiculed for at some point in our lives. We believed it, and now it is common knowledge and being talked about on mainstream media. UFOs ARE real! We will no longer be seen as the weirdos with the tin foil hats. When even Barrack Obama has officially confirmed that UFOs/UAPs are real and that we have no idea what they are, there’s no real logical way to argue against that.
But now we need to start the next conversation. Who/what is behind these phenomena? Is it an alien species? If so, are they physically travelling across the galaxy, or moving between dimensions in space? Is it Russia or China? If so, how have they got technology so advanced and how have they had it for at least 75 years? Is it something else entirely, something we haven’t even contemplated. What ever the answers to those questions, I think again we can all agree the implications to us all as humans would be huge. Either we will finally know for certain that we are not alone in the universe, or we will discover technology so far advanced it could transform our everyday lives and make space travel easy. So whatever comes from this, 1st June 2021 will be a very important day in the UFO community, but it could even end up a very important day for the human race.
And I for one can’t wait. Although I may hold on to my tin foil hat for a little bit longer.